Kennedy Summer Information
Summer office hours: July 1- August 30th
Monday- Thursday 8:00 AM- 3:00 PM
We are closed Fridays.
Due to ongoing costruction the office doors will be locked, pleae call the school upon arrival. 519-254-6475.
Student report cards
Report cards will be mailed out the week of July 15th-19th (please allow up to 3 business days for mail delivery).
Grade 9 incoming student Orientation is scheduled for:
Tuesday August 27th 9:30 AM- 12:00 PM
Packages will be mailed home with instructions and information about the orientation. Students will recieve a tour of Kennedy, meet other students and recieve their schedule for September.
If a students cannot attend the orientation their scheudle will also be available the first day of school, these will not be mailed out individually.
Official OSR Requests
Schools wanting to send official OSR requests, please send an email with the following details:
- Legal name
- Start date
Guidance Secretary: Mrs. S. Cudmore [email protected]
Upcoming Events
School News
School Info
Featured VideoReopening Schools at the GECDSB
Prior to the start of the school year, access to schools has been limited to authorized personnel and work continues to prepare the buildings with all the necessary safety precautions.
We have produced this short video to provide families and students with an opportunity to see what the schools and classrooms will look like and the actions taken to keep everyone safe.
GECDSB COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool
A simple tutorial for staff and secondary students who are required to submit daily self-assessment results.
Complete the GECDSB COVID-19 Self-Assessment Tool to determine whether you or your child should attend school or work each day.